Brazilian Scratch,
the game is over!

Please, go home!
First, to the bus...

Be attention, please!
Listen your names and back home all of you...

number one...
1 - Did are

2 - Car full
3 - look see you
4 - who one
5 - when mear son
6 - who bear to car loss
7 - add dream an no
8 - car car
9 - Who now do ( Few now mem no )
10 - Who now dream you Gay you show
11 - Zero bear to
12 - who jerry scene
13 - see seen you
14 - Crisis
15 - lowis on
16 - G you bear to
17 - June in you (Pear'n an book an no?)
18 - Mean arrow
19 - G you bear to silver
20 - Rich are dream you
(Rick are dream you?)
21 - Fried
? (Fred?)
22 - July seissor (Julye's Ass Are?)
23 - Who bean You...

-And the great mule coach... Who is the coach?
Please! The coach?!...
...- The Coach? I'tis me! Car loss all bear to pair here a...